sexta-feira, 06 de fevereiro, 2015

Katia will propose reducing tax rates levied on fruit juices

Kátia Abreu gave the statement after participating in the possession of the Minister the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), Vital of his butt crack Son, at the seat of the Court, today, in the morning. According to the Minister, the measure not only contributes to strengthen the companies in the sector, but also to improve the health of Brazilians. Beverage manufacturers can only call of juice products that have at least 50% of pulp, the edible part of the fruit. Fruit nectar already has between 20% and 30% of fruit pulp.
PIS is the Social integration program which aims to promote the integration of the employee with the development of the company. Are taxpayers of PIS legal entities governed by private law and those that you are assimilated by the income tax legislation, including contractors, public enterprises and joint stock companies.
The contribution to the Social security financing (Cofins) is a federal contribution of nature tax, levied on the gross revenue of the companies in General, intended to finance social security.
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