quarta-feira, 03 de setembro, 2014

Animal feed industry grows 2.4% in the first half

More than 31 million tonnes of feed were produced in the period, with emphasis on horses, dairy and foods for dogs and cats
Following the optimistic expectations disclosed earlier this year by the Sindirações – Sindicato Nacional da Indústria-Animal feed, 2014 is being positive for the animal feed industry in the country. Only in the first half were produced 31.5 million tons of rations, an increase of 2.4% compared to the same period last year.
"After registering stability in 2013, the numbers point to the return of growth in the sector," says Nusrat Zani, Executive Vice President of the Sindirações. "The animal feed industry, essential link of the production chain still neglected by tax exemption, still taking into account the animal protein consumption stimuli (domestic and export)", he adds.
The sectors that stood out were the equine, dairy and foods for dogs and cats, with growth of 5.9%, 5.7% and 5.2%, respectively.
Ariovaldo highlights other factors for the good time, industry and bet on continued low agricultural commodity prices and US beef herd misfits in the United States and Australia that can generate more business for the Brazilian cattle raising and enhance even more the arroba of oxen. In the case of pigs and poultry, the prospects are positive and motivated by opening new markets and expansion of shipments (Japan, Russia, etc.), while the dairy farming tends to suffer pressure in prices because of the difference/spread determined by competitive traditional exporters.
Embanews - 02/09/2014
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