sexta-feira, 11 de julho, 2014

Dafruta Refresh WINS new flavors

The line Dafruta Refresh recently won four novelties: the flavours Apple, pineapple and cashews in 1 litre cartons, besides the cashew flavor in 335 ml can, reinforcing the strength and capillarity of the brand. "The Dafruta is one of the brands that offer the greatest mix in the country, but we're always innovating and diversifying our lines, to meet the new market trends," says Lilian Yokota, Marketing Development Manager of ebba. In addition to the mix, the packaging ensure prominence and sale in buyouts. In vivid colors, the visual of the product translates the key attributes of the brand, like joy, freshness and healthiness. They highlight the fruit and flavor, which facilitates the identification in the gondolas.
Giro News - 11/07/2014
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