segunda-feira, 05 de agosto, 2013

Smartphone Moto X is the new Google bet

After warm results from the sale of appliances manufactured by other companies, Google now makes a new attempt in the area of electronics-this time with a smartphone manufactured by a company that has.
Yesterday, Motorola Mobility unveiled the Moto X, the first critical of the company provided that the manufacturer was bought last year for $ 12.5 billion by Google.
The unit has all the features expected in the present day, with a new feature: the ability to control the phone talking to him, without lifting a finger. Will be sold by all major US carriers from the end of August for $ 199. There is expected to launch in Brazil.
The stakes are high for Google, and not only by the high price he paid by Motorola. Google is extremely lucrative, but its growth has slowed down with the fall of advertising sales. Success with the new phone can be a new source of revenue and a way to make users see the Google ads.
The company was aggressive in Motorola's absorption. She has put its former CEO, Dennis Woodside, in command, dismissed thousands of employees and formed a new team with employees who came from major competitors such as Apple, Samsung and Amazon. A large marketing campaign will be made for the Moto X.
"I think we have created a wonderful company," said Iqbal Arshad, Senior Vice President of global product development from Motorola. "And the Moto X represents who we are." But sales may find difficulties. The phone, equipped with many processors, sensors and voice controls, are in a brutally competitive market. And Google has a lot to prove to be taken seriously as a manufacturer of consumer electronics.
For a long time that Google executives spoke of computers so integrated into our environment that we can ask them to do things without lifting a finger. The Moto X is a big step in that direction.
It stands out for its ability to receive voice commands. Say "OK, Google Now, find my way back home" brings up a map with directions to a user, for example. The phone learns its owner's voice and only reacts to it. Some may find it scary, but is an optional feature.
"We want to change the way people call, seek and navigate," said Arshad. "This is what the no-touch control allows you to make and design a mobile computing system to do this."
O Estado de São Paulo - 02/08/2013
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