quarta-feira, 31 de julho, 2013

New packaging and Taste Life line refer to a healthy diet

Left & Flavor Meat flavor and adult dogs Living Liver and right & Flavor Life adult cats Fish
Arrive to the market the new packaging of Flavor food-Special Premium &, formulated with noble ingredients that supply all the nutritional needs of pets, suitable for each phase and lifestyle. The line is developed by Guabi Group – one of the largest producers of feed and supplements in the country.
The row contains the flavors
Dogs: meat and liver; chicken; light; Senior warden for small breeds; chicken and liver (for puppies).
Cats: meat and liver; meat and chicken; fish; tuna and salmon; meat and milk (for puppies).
The concept of the line refers to a healthy lifestyle, for those who care about the well being of the pet. The new proposal from the brand brings a lighter, contemporary packaging, showing movement suggesting sensations and feelings. The choice of white as main color contrasts with the vibrant colors, with the goal of attracting the consumer's attention.
Guia da Embalagem - 31/07/2013
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