terça-feira, 14 de maio, 2013

Technological yogurt

With more and more people diagnosed with lactose intolerance, it is normal for the dairy industry invest in solutions to not lose this audience. The Danube has developed a lactose-free yogurt in strawberry, fisális and full versions (R $ 2.90 each). The glass packaging was chosen to preserve the integrity and freshness of yogurt, but also because it is recyclable and not release chemicals in the environment.
The Danube is a joint-venture between Arla Foods and Force, brand that has another novelty: the Beautyyogurt, developed in partnership with the Beauty. The product is hydrolyzed collagen, fundamental to the Constitution of the skin tissue, which provides firmness and elasticity to the skin. Made with nonfat yogurt and no sugar added, he comes to supermarkets in the second half of June we strawberry flavors, natural and natural with chia and Brazil nuts ($ 1.99).
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