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1468 items in 98 pages
Technology makes income grow in the field and informal work fall, points study

3/19/2018 - Since he started studying Agronomy at the State University of Londrina (PR), Gustavo Okano Alves Pin

L ' Oréal acquires augmented reality company for beauty industry

3/19/2018 - L ' Oréal purchased 100% of the shares of Canadian ModiFace, specializing in augmented reality and a


3/19/2018 - The j. M, leading manufacturer in domestic wheat flour and mixes for cakes, increasingly in the Pro

The Virtual world as a complement for toys

3/16/2018 - Although the current reality is a favorable scenario, the virtual wave's growth has been a major cha

Flow in Shopping Advances 4.5% in February

3/16/2018 - The visitor flow in shopping malls of Brazil grew up 4.53% in February compared to the previous year

The new skills are required for the elderly also

3/16/2018 - You've probably heard that to survive in the new economy and the changing world of technology, peopl

Mobile already represents 48% of online retail sales in Brazil

3/16/2018 - In Brazil, retailers investing in sales via web and mobile app already have 48% of online transactio

The country's most expensive lunch in the Southeast

3/16/2018 - The worker in the Southeast and using meal voucher (electronic or paper) is that worn more for lunch

Suzano purchase Fibria and creates giant pulp and paper

3/16/2018 - São Paulo – the BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) approved, on Thursday,

Travel agencies expect 20% high in sales in the year

3/15/2018 - Following the trend of partial recovery, starting in 2016, the travel agencies estimate for 2018 1 g

Chocolaterias menu adapted to suit all pockets

3/15/2018 - With a greater focus on volume than average ticket, stores that specialize in chocolates wait at lea

New Calcgraf Web site focuses on usability

3/15/2018 - São Paulo, March 2018 — Intuitive, accurate and comprehensive. So is the new Calcgraf Web site (www.

Trade sales of BH Grow 1.64%

3/15/2018 - The State capital's retail registered 1.64% growth in sales in January 2018, compared with the same

Is painting a cosmetic business Star

3/15/2018 - It is possible to smell the aroma of the star at the Mall Morumbi, located in the southern area of S

Brazil buys in 2011

3/15/2018 - Can be a transient worsening of moods that, despite improvements, are still quite depressed, at leve

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