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1507 items in 101 pages
Retailers can close 2015 on the negative, says CNC

3/16/2015 - With sales below expectations, sectoral entities begin to review the prospects for growth and some h

Companies bet on releases and new markets to grow in the year

3/16/2015 - The cosmetics market competition is more fierce this year, despite the less favourable economic scen

Paçoquita creamy and Mines oven make suggestive partnership for the consumer

3/16/2015 - The Santa Helena, manufacturer of Paçoquita creamy, and the Oven mines innovated on the market with

Anvisa reduces time limits for import of food and medicine

3/16/2015 - The Ministry of health, the Secretariat of ports, and the national health surveillance Agency releas

Citric launches squeezed orange juice in Tetra Pak packaging

3/16/2015 - The Citric throws in the Brazilian market a line of freshly squeezed orange juices in Tetra Pak pack

Participation of Goiás in the import of medicines increases in recent ten years

3/16/2015 - The trade deficit of pharmaceuticals has increased a lot in the last ten years, and the State of Goi

Premium line of gourmet Skimoni has new pistachio flavor ice cream

3/16/2015 - To give more flavor to the autumn 2015, the brand of ice cream Skimoni launches this month the new p

Brandy Valdemiz x. adopts new bottles produced by Verallia

3/16/2015 - The Verallia-Division of glass containers for food and beverages of the Saint-Gobain Group – provide

Company invoice with ergonomic products made of pet bottle

3/16/2015 - The businessman Luiz Antonio Ravara invested in the manufacture of ergonomic products recycled for u

Dairy imports fell on month-to-month comparison

3/13/2015 - According to the Ministry of development, industry and foreign trade (MDIC), in February, Brazil imp

Citric launches squeezed orange juice in Tetra Pak packaging

3/13/2015 - The Citric throws in the Brazilian market a line of freshly squeezed orange juices in Tetra Pak pack

Chinese manufacturer of smartphones Xiaomi starts production in India

3/13/2015 - The Chinese manufacturer of smartphones Xiaomi said on Thursday that it will invest more and will st

Manufacturers are betting on premium products

3/13/2015 - With the slowdown in retail, the smartphone makers focus on the premium segment, with products above

Nestle Announces return of creamy milk version Girl to eat to reap

3/13/2015 - At the request of consumers, Nestle announced this week around the creamy version of the milk market

Natura's priority will be to recover market

3/13/2015 - The company lost 1.4 percentage point of ' market share ' in the country between January and October

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