quinta-feira, 04 de junho, 2020

Covid-19: vaccine test in Brazil begins in São Paulo in the coming days

Vaccine being developed by the University of Oxford against Covid-19, and is considered one of the most promising in the world, will be tested in Brazil from this month. Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) authorized the conduct of the research in the country, according to the extra edition of the Official Gazette (DOU) on Tuesday (02/06). The Brazilian stage of testing will have 2,000 people and will be conducted by the Reference Center for Special Immunobiologicals (CRIE), of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). The University of São Paulo will soon begin the selection of the first thousand volunteers who will receive immunization. It is defined that they will be health professionals who are on the front line of the fight against Covid-19 in the state, because they are more exposed to contamination. They need to be seronegative, that is, they haven't contracted the disease yet. "The most important thing is to perform this stage of the study now, when the epidemiological curve is still ascending and the results may be more assertive," Lily Yin Weckx, coordinator of CRIE-Unifesp, said in a press release.
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