quarta-feira, 08 de abril, 2020

Government authorizes new looting of up to R $ 1,045 FGTS from June 15

Workers with FGTS accounts will be able to make a new looting of funds from the Fund, up to R$ 1,045, from June 15 and until December 31 of this year. The withdrawal was authorized by provisional measure 946, published at the end of Tuesday night (7) in an extra edition of the Official Gazette. According to the MP, the extraordinary looting was released "due to the confrontation of the state of public calamity" and "the public health emergency of international importance resulting from the coronavirus pandemic". The withdrawal of up to R $ 1,045, says the text, will be done "according to the schedule of attendance, criteria and form established by the Federal Savings Bank". In the same way as in the immediate looting of up to R $ 998 released from the end of last year, those who have savings booklet at Caixa Econômica Federal will receive the resource immediately in this account, unless it manifests otherwise. The worker who receives the automatic deposit may request its "undoing" until August 30, 2020, according to the procedure to be defined by the Cashier. The credit may also be made in the bank account of any other financial institution, indicated by the worker, provided that he is the owner. MP 946 also extinguishes the PIS/Pasep Fund from May 31 and transfers all its assets and liabilities to the FGTS. Workers who still have funds in this fund will be able to make the loot normally, but money that is not withdrawn by June 1, 2025 will be considered "abandoned." One of the first measures announced by the government to address the economic impacts of coronavirus was precisely the transfer of R$ 20 billion from the PIS/Pasep Fund to the FGTS, to strengthen the Guarantee Fund for the possibility of a new loot.
Gazeta do Povo-08/04/2020 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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