terça-feira, 02 de julho, 2019

Consumption of cheeses grows 13% in Brazilian households

Last year, the consumption of cheese in the homes of Brazil grew by 13% compared to 2017, according to Kantar data. The advancement is significant, but there are still several opportunities to develop the category. An example of this is the per capita consumption of only 5 kg a year, far below 25 kg in France and well below that recorded in neighboring countries such as Argentina, where each inhabitant consumes, on average, 12 kg of cheese each year. The data is from Mintel. One of the manufacturers, Lactalis has invested to expand the consumption of the category, through its brand Président, whose portfolio counts with cheeses in all formats, of national origin and imported. For consumption to go beyond the traditional and fresh cheeses, such as mozzarella, dish and frescal mines, the company bets on consumer education and also in the greater accessibility to the category, through the offering of smaller fractions, which help to break the idea that it is necessary A high disbursement to bring home products like Brie and Emmental. Several items of the Président brand are already being sold in fractions ranging from 150 to 350 grams. Since last year, the cheeses of the brand have already appeared in the media in national network and for the outlets, special materials were developed, such as the Président refrigerators and cheese tables.
ABRE - 01/07/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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