segunda-feira, 25 de março, 2019

Packaging manufacturers invest with projection of improvement of consumption

Packaging companies invest in production capacity and seek to meet the increased demand for higher value-added products – mainly in food – on the perspective of improvement of consumption. "The expectations are good. Last year was bad, compared to the country's economic realities. To 2019, the Outlook is better, especially in terms of economic and market scenario, "says Business Director of Camargo Cla, Felipe Toledo. The main segment of the food industry. "It's an industry that has an immediate connection with the increase of consumption." In 2018, the company achieved growth of 14% in the volume of production. For this year, invested in a new printer, which will go into operation in the second half. The forecast is that the production capacity will have an increase of 20%. "This investment is aimed at the service, which the company didn't. Is part of a strategy to cover the whole chain and offer more options to the customer ", explains. Toledo account that the market has sued unconventional and products of higher added value. "The impacts the consumer packaging for various reasons, either by design, for clarity in your product information, for your convenience of use and even for being environmentally friendly." Camargo hopes to achieve new markets such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and 1 2019 of greater stability in terms of costs. "We suffered last year with very high exchange rate volatility and the resins used as raw material," says Toledo, he points out that the company tries to pass on the costs to preserve margins, but it usually takes time. "It is not possible to make the transfer at the same moment of impact, there's always a delay." The Director of the Division of Tetra Pak services for the Americas, Edison Kubo, declares that the company expanded the operation of your services division — focused on the supply and development of solutions in industrial units — to meet any company, even those who use machines and packaging supplied by competitors. According to the Executive, the idea is to gain greater reach and enter new segments of the market. "We are working to expand that area to meet all the food and beverage industry. We move into our portfolio of components and solutions for production lines, Automation services. " Kubo points out that, in the light of the fall of the market during the crisis, idleness is high in the production of drinks and that manufacturers have placed focus on cost reduction. "From this year, we are seeing positive signs of some customers, preparing for a warm-up." The Executive has the expectation that this recovery movement is consolidated in the coming months. "Depends on the political and economic scenario, but there are prospects for new business." He claims that even if the economy does not grow, the industry's demand for services to improve their equipment. Kubo design that services have growth near 10%. "The industry has this need to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The service sector has brought considerable growth to Tetra Pak. " Projections according to a study by Euromonitor consultancy for the Brazilian packaging Association (Abre), the gross value of production of packaging in 2018 moved a total of $78.5 billion, R high of 10.4% compared to 2017. The physical production grew 2.5 percent on the same basis. Exports already moved $ $573.3 million, an increase of 7% compared to 2017. The study provides recovery for all consumer goods industries in the coming years, with positive effects for the primary packaging (which are in direct contact with the product), generating average annual growth of 1.6% up to 2024, by volume, in the retail channel.
DCI - 25/03/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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