quarta-feira, 11 de julho, 2018

E-commerce designs Bill R $37.9 billion in 2° semester

Electronic commerce should earn R $37.9 billion in the second half of the year. That's what estimates the Brazilian Association of Commerce (ABComm). If the projection to materialize, the figure represents a growth of 15% when compared with the same period of 2017.De according to the entity, the average ticket in the period must add R $310, with a total of 122 million of orders placed. The second half of the year tends to be warmer due to seasonal dates important to retailers as Black Friday and Christmas, in addition to father's day. atypical Events that affected the country's economy, as Teamsters ' walkout, had a marginal impact turnover of the sector. "There were more than 3 million packages of late, with an average of 11 days of delay in deliveries due to the stoppage," says the President of ABComm, Mauricio Salvador. For the second half, however, events such as the elections should not generate larger impacts on result of the sector. "The election itself does not cause variation in online sales. What most influences are the speculations around the Exchange, since many products are imported, "says Salvador.Na practice the numbers pointed to by ABComm are confirmed in the region of Campinas (SP). In the first quarter of 2018, the e-commerce in the region reached real R $354.3 million turnover, a high of 7.9% compared with the same period last year. In the 12-month accumulated growth was 14.9%. The results are part of the e-commerce Economic Research (CHP), drawn up by the SindiVarejista and the Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP), in partnership with the Ebit. The research brings data on real revenues, number of orders and average ticket and measures the contribution of e-commerce in retail. According to the survey, the number of application of e-commerce in the region reached 898,500 in that first quarter, against the same period of 2017 783,400, an increase of 14.7%. The average ticket, for your time, fell 5.9%, going from R $419.12 in the first three months of 2017 to the current R $394.35. The contribution of e-commerce in general retail billing had take 0.1 percentage point drop (p.p.), to move from 2.6% to 2.5%. "The e-commerce resumed in a more robust growth earlier this year compared to other segments of the economy. This growth is due to the improvement in macroeconomic conditions, but also to change consumer behavior, using cell phones to compare, browse and buy durable goods semi-durable and non-durable, e-commerce, "said President of the SindiVarejista, Sanae Murayama Saito.No first quarter, durable goods had great weight in turnover in the industry, concentrating 69.6% of revenue and 38.4% of the number of applications, with an average ticket of R $689.16. Trade in goods semi-durable goods represents 18.6% of sales, 35.8% of the total number of requests with an average value of R, while non-durable $197.59 have a share of 11.8% of revenues, 25.8% of orders and an average ticket of $174,28. Sales of e-commerce in State of São Paulo grew by 4.4% in the first quarter of 2018, compared with the same period of 2017, reaching R $4.06 billion. In comparison with the same month of the previous year, the real revenue Advanced 8.8 percent in January, retreated 1.9 percent in February and returned to grow 5.4% in March. In the past 12 months, after 2017 with a high of 4.2%, the real growth rate of sales in the sector rose to 5.1% in the first quarter of 2018.
DCI - 10/07/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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