sexta-feira, 22 de junho, 2018

E-commerce: sales grow 4.4 percent in Brazil in the first quarter

E-commerce sales totaled $4.06 billion in the first quarter R in the State of São Paulo, which represents a growth of 4.4% compared with the same period of 2017. In month-to-month comparison, online sales rose by 8.8 percent in January, retreated 1.9 percent in February and returned to grow 5.4% in March. The data are from the Economic Research of e-commerce, developed by FecomercioSP and Ebit. In the 12-month accumulated until March, the actual rate of growth of e-commerce is at 5.1%. The results of the second quarter, however, must show progress less, since the Teamsters ' outage impacted the industry. In the month of may, before starting the strike, there was no expectation of 20% nominal increase in online sales compared with the same month of the previous year, but in practice, the advance was of 10%. "If it weren't for the strike, it would certainly be achieved this growth. And motion effects not only were higher because there was the momentum of seasonal aspects: mother's day, Valentine's day, and output of TV sets on the World Cup, "said Pedro Guasti, Chairman of the Board of FecomercioSP e-commerce.
Supermercado Moderno - 21/06/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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