quinta-feira, 10 de maio, 2018

Sales in São Paulo can grow 4.2% in may

If confirmed the 3.4% real increase in retail sales in the State of São Paulo for mother's day, local businesses will close the five first months of 2018 with high of 4.2% accumulated. The estimate is the Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP) and takes into account the positive wave that trade within the State presented between January and April. "In the big picture, in may retail tends to continue in your path of recovery starting in 2017, but even gradual", comment the economists of the FecomercioSP. According to the Federation, continued growth and the greater vigour of growth still depends on macro economic factors. "[It takes a] continuous improvement in worrisome unemployment, that enable increased real income mass the country", detail. Darlings of the mothers according to the FecomércioSP, if confirmed the planned consumption trends throughout this year, retailers in the State of São Paulo should add in may a turnover around £ $31.3 billion, some R $1 billion above the revenues obtained from the same month of 2017. The highlights are the supermarkets and shops of furniture and decorations, whose sales tend to rise 5.4% and 8.5%, respectively. At the other end, the forecast is that there is a small drop in appliances, electronics stores, in addition to the pharmacies. According to economists, this forecast is given by two distinct causes: "in the case of durable goods, the reason is a trajectory of significant results which allowed the industry to grow 7% in the year 2017 and already accumulate increasing up to 8% this year, "detail. In the case of pharmacies and perfumeries, the outlets remain within a long positive cycle of growth, albeit discreet and the result may shall reflect the impact of the high of drugs authorized in recent months.
DCI - 10/05/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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