sexta-feira, 23 de março, 2018

Process of purchase of the Brazilians are increasingly interactive and intelligent

The increasingly connected, with too much information, and the quest for simplification in everyday life, as well as the tight pocket, are factors that are transforming the way to buy the Brazilian consumer, according to Christine Pereira, commercial Director of Kantar Worldpanel: consumer. For the second consecutive year, the expenses of households exceed the income. In 2017, half of Brazilian homes spent above the income. The year 2015 was the worst point for home consumption of foods, beverages, personal hygiene and cleanliness. In 2016 and 2017, there was slow recovery but still insufficient to return to the heights of 2014. Kantar Worldpanel: consumer and data were presented this week during the event Open (Brazilian Association of Supermarkets). According to the study, one of the changes laid down is that the process of purchasing is becoming less and less linear, more interactive and more multimeio, because the connected world provides a huge range of consumer touch points that you want to purchase: in addition to the traditional visits to points of sale, the buyer contact lock with posts and photos on social networks, videos, sharing links, testimonials and online purchases, among other possibilities. With this multiplicity of possibilities that have access, the shoppers visit more channels of purchase. In 2017, they bought in seven different channels – five in 2013 – however, the amount spent on each of them is getting smaller and smaller, including channels that wins customers. According to the survey of Kantar Worldpanel: consumer, this fine national economic recovery scenario, the shoppers are making smarter choices for efficiency and economy. So, have valued the coins "money" and "time". So, while there is a lower frequency of ida of shoppers to points of sale, they take more products to each visit, including items of practical and simple categories: in 2017, the industrialized and frozen potato bread got in more than 1 million new homes Brazilians. To save, Brazilians increasingly resort to atacarejo (wholesalers that sell products to the final consumer), aiming to pay cheaper, especially in cleaning items, commodities and grocery store. In 2017, this purchase channel increased the penetration of 1.3 percentage point, growing 12% in sales volume. There were also large increase in demand for products in promotion and packaging of smaller disbursements or economic: the volume purchased from washing powder to 2 pounds rose by 33%, while the 500 grams butter rose 28%. The study of Kantar Worldpanel: consumer points also that there was greater demand for pharmacies and supermarkets, an indicator that consumers have preferred to buy in establishments close to home or work, for convenience and simplification of the day day.
Supermercado Moderno - 21/03/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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