quinta-feira, 01 de novembro, 2018


CPFL Paulista, CPFL Energia's distributor that serves 234 cities of São Paulo State, predicts that daylight saving time 2018/2019, which starts at zero hour of the day on November 4, 38700 MWh in economy bring energy consumption in your service area. This volume, which represents a reduction of 0.39% of the total consumption of its 234 municipalities, would be enough to supply 16100 families for a year with a monthly consumption of 200 kWh. With the beginning of daylight saving time, the clocks should be advanced in 1 hour in the South, Southeast, Center-West and the Federal District. This year, the schedule will have duration of 105 days, with the end to the zero time of day 16 February 2019. To improve the use of natural light by the population, the initiative has as main objective to reduce energy consumption and lower demand in the peak hours, of 18 to 21 hours. The amount of energy saved in the concession area of the CPFL Paulista during daylight saving time would be sufficient to meet a city the size of Bauru, for example, for 15 days, São José do Rio Preto by 12 days, Ribeirão Preto for seven days or Campinas for four days (see below for the list with more examples to the municipalities of the Distributor). In General, people come home from 18 hours, early evening. Soon, one of the first actions is to turn on the light. At the same time, come into operation the lighting and the bright commercials, for example. In the period of daylight saving time, the loads of the residences and public lighting shall operate after 19 hours when the industrial consumption and commercial building starts to fall with the end of the work shift. "To move the official time in 1 hour, diluted by a longer period the time that such equipment are starting to work. In this way, the gain of the daylight saving time, in addition to the economy, is to keep the risk of overloading at the time that the electric system reaches the peak of your consumption, "says the Chief Operating Officer of CPFL Energia, Thiago Guth. In the peak period, there is expectation of a 2.1% reduction in energy demand, which helps to reduce the generation of thermal power plants, more expensive and polluting. In addition to the benefits to the electric system, daylight saving time is also a good opportunity to practice healthier living habits. Leave work with the day of course is a stimulus for a walk, go to the Park, cycling, enjoy family and perform other sports and recreational activities related to the summer. Conscious consumption To expand the economy generated by daylight, CPFL Paulista encourages its customers to take advantage of the period to practice smart energy consumption on a daily basis to make this possible, the company list below a series of Tips to reduce consumption without compromising the comfort: electric showers on hot days, put the shower on "summer" (the consumption will be about 30% less of). In some cities, it is possible to turn off the shower; Periodically clean the water outlet holes of the shower; Soak up faster and turn off the tap while soaping; Never reuse a burnt resistor. This causes the increased consumption and puts at risk the security of the user; Refrigerators, install the refrigerator in well-ventilated area, desencostada of walls or furniture, away from direct sunlight and heat sources such as stoves and ovens; Never use the back of the refrigerator to dry cloths, clothes or shoes; Never put hot food in the fridge; Don't line the shelves of the refrigerator (the lack of air circulating between the shelves requires more electricity consumption); Do not leave the refrigerator door open for a long time and don't forget to keep the rubber door gasket in good condition. A good test is to place a sheet of paper, close the refrigerator door and try to remove it. If the sheet out very easy, it can be that the rubber is already in need of maintenance; Lighting switch off the light when leaving an environment; Replace incandescent and fluorescent lamps to LED technology. To brighten up a kitchen uses a 100 Watt incandescent bulb, replaced by an LED model can bring savings of up to 80%; Air conditioning when using the air conditioner, it is ideal to use it in the best possible way, avoiding to use for long periods of time and with very low temperatures. The trick is to program the timer function to turn off early in the morning and set up to a temperature of 22°, which keeps the air at a comfortable temperature and does not cause too much effort in equipment; Prioritize the purchase of air-conditioning with inverter technology, whose engines are more efficient and cost-effective; Keep air filters clean is also a great initiative of economy, so that the engine will more than ideal; Always keep well ventilated environments. Open curtains and Windows Help on ventilation and reduces the need for air conditioners and fans, as well as to maintain the air always renewed; General tips choose the purchase of appliances with the Procel stamp, which are more efficient in energy consumption and, consequently, more economical; Turn off the tv at bedtime; Avoid using benjamins (item that serves to connect multiple devices to a single outlet and that the overloads); Collect clothes to wash and also to pass. The time for the iron to heat energy consumption. This better be done less often; The iron has temperature regulator. Search separate the clothes by temperature that will be passed, so you can make the most cost-effective use; Clean the filter of the washing machine, with frequency; In Brazil the 2018/2019 Edition of the daylight saving time will start on 4 November and closing day on day 16 of February. According to the Ministry of mines and energy (MME), daylight saving time has as main objective the reduction of the maximum demand of the national interconnected system in the period, i.e. when more people, companies and industries are using electrical energy. This is possible because the plot of lighting load becomes activated later than would normally be, motivated by the advance of time. The measure was adopted for the first time in Brazil in 1931, but consecutively, for 28 years. States that adopt the measure are: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Distrito Federal. On 8 December 2008, was signed by then President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva the number 6,558 Decree, which establishes the standards for future hours of summer in part of the national territory. About the CPFL Energia CPFL Energia, for 105 years in the electrical sector, operates in the segments of distribution, generation, marketing and services. Since January 2017, the group is part of the State Grid, Chinese State is the second largest business organization in the world and the largest electric power company, serving 88% of Chinese territory and operations in Italy, Australia, Portugal, Philippines and Hong Kong. With 14% participation, CPFL Energia's deputy leader in the distribution market, totaling about 9.4 million clients in 679 cities, between the States of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Paraná. In marketing, is one of the leaders in the free market, with market share of 14% in the sale to final consumers. Is a leader in energy trading encouraged to free clients among the traders. On generation, is the third largest private agent of the country, with a portfolio based on clean and renewable sources, such as large hydroelectric plants, wind power plants, thermal biomass, small hydropower plants (SHPS) and solar power plant. At the end of the first quarter of 2018, the installed capacity of the CPFL Group reached 3,283 MW. The CPFL Energia has shares listed on the Novo Mercado of the B3 and ADR level III on the NYSE, as well as participate in the corporate sustainability index (ISE) of the B3 by 13 consecutive year. The Group also holds a prominent position as one of the greatest Brazilian investors in art, culture and sport.
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