segunda-feira, 05 de novembro, 2018


Since the flowers and plants at supermarkets, the sale of this item has grown and the prices were far more competitive. This is the case of Coop-cooperative which began working with the product for 15 years to also offer this alternative to buying customers. Today, depending on the size of the unit, the mix of this category of the 100 150 different varieties. May flower, flower of Fortune (kalanchoe), tulips, Anthurium, besides the orchids, are among the Favorites. In the first half of this year, more than 200,000 vessels were sold, according to estimates Leandro Sousa Fernandes, Group Operations Manager Benassi, partner of Coop distributor since the beginning of the operation. All species available in the units are national, from the city of São Paulo of Holambra, where producers are accredited by Veiling Cooperative, the largest wholesaler of marketing of flowers and ornamental plants of Brazil. As this is a highly sensitive product, there is a rigorous transport and storage to maintain quality and vividness of flowers. "The species stay in air-conditioned space, inside, stands up to the shipment. The transport time to the shops Coop ranges between 90 and 120 minutes, "explains manager of Benassi. Already in stores, the vessels are care to maintain freshness.
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