quinta-feira, 21 de setembro, 2017

Jequiti go to sources to renew your brand

It was on exhibition on Silvio Santos, organized by the Museum of image and sound (MIS) in Sao Paulo earlier this year, the team of Jequiti's marketing, cosmetics company of television presenter, decided to take ownership of the icons in the history of the owner of the SBT to build the repos icionamento, whose debut campaign on Thursday.
The start of work of repositioning, however, previous: in 2016, the company received a report from the strategic management consultancy McKinsey indicated that, despite having a known name in the market, the brand was not recognised by their attributes. Jequiti hired then Monica Gregori, who had been Director of communication of Natura, to have, for the first time in your history, a planned marketing strategy. "Before, the campaigns were of each product. Now, the idea is to put it all together to tell a story, "says Monica. "We had only one price positioning (between Natura and Avon), but not mark", he adds.
To position itself as a brand, Jequiti has chosen to exacerbate its origins, meaning rescue story of SBT and of your own, and link your image with the entertainment. The company's catalog, for example, called harvest (in reference to the jequitibá tree, which inspired the name of the brand), was renamed Jequiti Live. The sales cycles were also renamed as "episodes".
Among the symbols of the SBT to be Explorer by the marketing team are the Assistant Stage Manager Roque and the door of hope, appearing on the cover of the catalog sales. "The company was already in the entertainment world. Have the authority to speak on this subject, "says Monica.
The communication strategy also seeks to sell the idea that its salesmen and consumers help Jequiti to dreams-the new slogan is "Jequiti, dreams". The main tool to pass this message will continue to be the program wheel to wheel, in which sellers of Jequiti are drawn to participate.
This project is important to make the sellers to dedicate themselves more to the Jequiti, since they tend to sell more than one brand. According to the Executive Director of the Brazilian Association of direct sales Companies (ABEVD), Roberta Kuruzu, this is the main challenge in the industry today. "Companies have to create attractive models for which the consultant spend your time to the branded product and the offer in the first place. The consultants tend to try to sell the product at any given time, is more in the media. " Jequiti has today about 150,000 sellers.
Another setback for the brand is to reach consumers who do not attend the SBT. Despite an effort to broaden the channels of Vulgarisation, with advertising in women's magazines and entertainment, for example, the channel and the social media of Silvio Santos will continue concentrating most of the actions of the brand. "In the company, there is no restriction to other channels. (Focus on SBT) is a matter of strategy. We have to take advantage that we have the most, "says Monica.
Professor of marketing at ESPM Marcelo Bridges reminds us that this strategy limits the scope of the campaign. "Any consumer can not watch the channel. But there is also the aspect of today (the company) be talking directly with your audience. "
Jequiti doesn't publish market data nor the growth targets with the repositioning. According to Euromonitor, the company has greater relevance in fragrances, in that it is the sixth of the market, with participation of 1.7%. In makeup, appears in tenth, with 1.8%.
IstoÉ Dinheiro – 18/09/2017
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