sexta-feira, 30 de junho, 2017

Nestlé study launch long life organic milk

Nestlé is studying the possibility of launching organic UHT milk in the country. According to Rachel Müller Galvão, Executive Manager of the company''s milk marketing, which encourages the project is the purpose of the company to positively impact people''s lives, like the fact that consumers are increasingly seeking food considered healthier.
To this end, the company has a pilot project to promote the production of organic milk. Launched a year ago, involves only the region of Araraquara, São Paulo State. According to the Executive, there are plans to expand to other areas, you must gain scale.
So far, the initiative has only 11 producers. Of these, only one has a stamp of organic production. The rest are in conversion. Together, they provide 6000 liters of milk a day to Nestlé ''s factory in the city. Second Taissara Martins, agronomist responsible for the development of multinational providers, there are other 20 to 30 producers in prospecting. "The plan is that, with these new producers reach 20000 to 30000 litres per day in the first half of 2019," he said.
Nestle already operates in the organics in other countries. In Europe, where this type of agriculture is quite developed, the company produces yogurt, coffee, tea and baby food. In the United States and Mexico, has line of yogurts and culinary products, for example.
In Brazil, the supply of organic milk is still restricted. According to market estimates cited by Nestlé, there is today in the country only 50 farms producing this type of milk, which explains the fairly modest offering. One of the biggest challenges, says Taissara Malik, is the need to develop organic production chains of grains, such as corn and soybeans, used in feeding the flock. "It is estimated that less than 1% of Brazil''s production is organic," says.
The time required for the conversion to organic milk production is another challenge. Ranges from 21 to 24 months between the conversion of pasture and animals and the adequacy of structure for the production. According to the agronomist, the conversion of pasture takes 12 months and the animals, six months. Organic certification – in this case, conferred by IBD-is only obtained after 18 months, after being carried out audits to verify that the requirements are being followed.
Supermercado Moderno - 29/06/2017
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