terça-feira, 16 de maio, 2017

Splitted sales fall 5.5% for mother''s day, says survey

The sales volume of splitted in week preceding mother''s day fell 5.5 percent compared with the equivalent period of last year.
It''s the fourth year in a row that, across the country, the indicator of the credit protection service (SPC) and the Confederação Nacional de Dirigentes Lojistas (CNDL) shows drop in queries for sales release. Was analyzed the period from 7 to 13 May.
This year''s retreat, however, is less than in 2016, when there was decrease of 16.4% in the consultations.
In 2015, there was a fall of 0.59% and, in 2014, 3.55%.
Last year it was checked high was 2013, with 6.44% growth in queries the SPC.
The CNDL President, Honorius Pinheiro, highlights that trade sold less in the long run, but that doesn''t mean that the Brazilian left to buy.
"Consumers are more concerned about not compromising the budget itself with splitted shopping, so I opted for cheaper gifts and usually paid on sight," he said.
Best date for retail in the first semester
According to the SPC, mother''s day (May 14) is the most important date for retail in the first half and second only to Christmas in sales volume and revenues.
The fact that the indicator show slowdown means that the worst times of the crisis passed.
The negative result, for your time, it''s still a reflection of unfavorable economic scenario, credit more expensive, high inflation and high unemployment rates.
Exame - 15/05/2017
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