quinta-feira, 23 de março, 2017

São Bernardo do Campo wins new logistical condo

The moulding constructions and Incorporations will inaugurate, in this second quarter of 2017, a new venture called logistics centre Immigrants Rodoanel (CLIR), located on the handle of the Rodoanel Mario Covas access at km 26 of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes, São Bernardo do Campo (SP).
The marketing of CLIR is made exclusively by real estate Paul Bio, specializing in corporate real estate and with extensive experience in operations involving warehouses in the greater ABC region, since 1980. According to Paul Bio, CEO of the company, approximately 30% of the space is already pré-locado. "We are with some advanced negotiations with great chances of closing, which will occupy 70% of the project. We are optimistic because our region has large enterprise demand and deserve a product of this quality, "he says. The condominium occupies a total area of approximately 288,000 m ² and has 104,000 m ² of constructed area. There are 53 modules available for hire, from 1,620 m ² with possibility of interconnection between them. The structure has ceiling height 12 meters free, laser level floor with capacity of 5 tons per m ², 20 meter freestyle between pillars and two docks with leveling platform per module.
In addition, CLIR presents Zenith lighting prismatic polycarbonate, allowing the entrance of natural light, metallic cover with felt face isolation, a solution made of sintered glass wool isolating noise and prevents temperature changes, and cupola, which consists of an opening at the top of the roof to allow the renewal of air in a natural way.
Each module has six slots for private cars and two private slots intended for trucks. Other facilities include mezzanine for offices, clinic, restaurant and safety systems such as closed-circuit TV and 24-hour concierge, armored and armed.
Tecnologistica - 22/03/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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