quinta-feira, 02 de março, 2017

Pet market even got the specialization course in mobile units

SAO PAULO-the pet market''s growth in recent years been feeding the emergence of niches, like petshops, who already has furniture to specialization courses. Pet University (UniPet), founded in São Paulo, is present in nine States and formed so far about of 20000 students. The network creator, Enio Rodriguez, offers classes of specialization of groomers for those who plan to enter the segment.
With load time of 2 hours and 30 minutes and costing about 190.00 R$, the course of the UniPet has content about the care in relation to the treatment of animals. Classes are face-to-face. "The pet market don''t grow and adapt this mobility service became an alternative," says Rao.
The business consultant Nilson Hashizumi, however, warning about the care that entrepreneurs should have time to enter this segment. "One option is to find a brand (pet shop franchise) that can support the Manager, because some people enter in that field without necessary knowledge," he says.
According to the expert, you need to understand the logistics of the business before you shell out any money rashly. Join a specialization course will provide basis for the provision of a satisfactory service, says. In addition, it is essential to learn about the legislation required before joining the proposed mobile unit.
Although there is no specific legislation for this activity, the regulation applied to conventional veterinary clinics-that, in addition to the products and services sold in pet shops, offer consultations, examinations and other procedures that may be performed by veterinarian-is also valid for the mobile business in the same mode.
According to Decree No. 40,400/1995, article 3, "the veterinary establishments are obliged, in accordance with the current legislation, maintain a veterinarian responsible for your operation. If the mobile unit offer a service that can only be provided by a veterinarian, therefore, must rely on one of these professionals.
In addition to the professional who seeks a specialization, courses are geared to the Microentrepreneur which acts on its own and also the small business owner you can hire an employee trained and specialize in Groomers. The professionalization of trimmer lasts five weeks and costs R$ 698.00. Classes for bathers are shorter: the program is done in seven days, by R$ 886.00.
The contents range from financial planning to first aid. The State of São Paulo concentrates the largest number of educational units of the network founded 13 years ago, which does not reveal sales. Besides the capital city there are courses in Campinas, Santos and São José do Rio Preto.
The UniPet also has partnered with relief bath Class, company that uses small trailers adapted to function as pet shops. The units operate in public places, often near shopping centers. .
To mount the trailer it is necessary to make an investment of R$ 75000, according to the marketing manager of the Bath, Ruan Rudsson. Most customers is in the State of São Paulo in Brazil.
The Brazil is the second largest pet market in the world, behind only the United States. According to data from the Brazilian Association of the industry and products for pets (Abinpet), in 2016 that market moved about of R$ 19.2 billion, with a growth of 5.7% on the previous year. In this scenario, small business owners choose to pet shops furniture to stand out from the competition, offer a more convenient service to the customer and reduce business costs.
DCI - 01/03/2017
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