quarta-feira, 01 de novembro, 2017

Or improvement in sales in September animates the supermarkets for Christmas

São Paulo-despite the gradual recovery of the sales trajectory of the supermarkets, which have advanced in September accumulating high of 1.11% in the year, entrepreneurs in the industry follow conservative in relation to Christmas. Most designs make purchases with the same industry last year and the prospect for the billing is growing only 0.27%.
The data were released yesterday by the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets (Open). The research on the Christmas 81 supermarket networks were interviewed, of which 54% said they will undertake this year a number of orders equal to held in 2016.
"Companies in the industry feel that there is an improvement of the economy, but are still conservative. Nobody's very euphoric for the date, "says the Association's President, João Sanzovo Neto. The survey by Open showed that 24% design larger orders this year, and 22% below.
Regarding the performance of sales on commemorative, the average is expected to be an increase of 0.27% in real terms, compared to last year's result. For the leader, there's still an instability in the political and economic framework that discourages consumer spending with higher value-added products.
The basket of items consumed at Christmas, you should present the best performance this year are the frozen chicken and beer. It is expected a growth of 4.09 percent and 2.86%, respectively, in real terms. At the other end, the worse will be the performances of chester (-1.88), imported wine (-1.86), frozen fish (-1.76) and toys (-1.7).
The survey also showed a conservative perspective of entrepreneurs in relation to temporary hiring for the end of the year. Of 81 respondents, only 23% said they must hire temporary labor. The indicator shows a slight worsening compared to last year, when the intention to employ for the commemorative date was cited by 25% of respondents (see the chart).
Monthly result
On occasion, the entity released still the result in September. According to the Open, there were 4.58% advance in sales, compared with the same month of the previous year and in real terms (discounted the effects of inflation). Front of this August, the high was minor by 3.1%.
In nominal values, supermarket sales grew by 7.25%, compared to the same month of 2016, and 3.26%, in comparison with August.
As a result, the sector has accumulated in the nine-month growth of 1.11% 2017 1. Until August, the year-to-date was at 0.67%. Second Sanzovo Neto, the entity maintains the forecast for the consolidated growth of 1.5%. He considers, however, that the Open is analyzing if need to reduce the projection to 1.3%, as a result of deflation, which impacts the result of companies.
"In January our forecast was grow 1.3%. We had some moves throughout the year for review up to 1.5%, and now we are evaluating if we reduced again to 1.3%, due to the sharp drop in food prices ", details.
The basket of products sold in supermarkets, as measured by the Abrasmercado indicator, showed a reduction in rates of 0.42% in September, compared with the previous month. Already compared to the same period last year, the retraction was 7.69%.
Of the products analysed, which registered the largest indentation in the month was the onion, whose prices dropped 10.56 percent against August. Then got the tomatoes (-9.44%), potatoes (-7.19) and beans (-5.57). The basket as the Open is composed of the 35 most consumed products in supermarkets, like food and health and beauty.
DCI – 31/10/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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