sexta-feira, 01 de julho, 2016

Spending control makes changing holiday habits of Brazilian July

São Paulo-in order to readjust their spending to the scenario of uncertainty, Brazilian families should benefit from programmes of shorter duration or to exclusive activities for children during the holidays. Example of this are the camps that, in the last week of June, show higher occupancy rates to 2015.
"Our camp is already with high of 10% in the number of entries, while our resort is still below 15% in the reserves," said the Group''s Manager shallow Foppery, Marília Rabello on reservations for July confirmed until June 29, compared with the same time of 2015.
According to the Executive, the indicators reflect the costs that families are doing this year. "It''s cheaper to send the child to a camp than traveling the entire family. So much so that the occupation recorded is better than 2014 and 2015, "he says.
Another factor that helps the camps is the target audience: the classes A and b. "we are given a track that feels less the economic crisis", comments the President of the Brazilian Association of Educational Camps (Abae), José Cury Son.
"Despite a few cancellations, the camps were able to meet with the demand of the people who left to travel out," explains Cury referring to reheating of domestic tourism, due to the high dollar.
The expectation for the winter holidays this year, he said, is to maintain the same level of last year. Adding an average rate of 80% occupancy between the camps.
With respect to the first half, the Executive points out that the sector had positive performance. "Who felt more had only 5% or 10% fall. Well-established camps not felt, "he says.
One of the reasons for the downfall of the movement between January and June was precisely the fear of schools. According to the Director of the Vip Acamerê, Ricardo Nastari, 20% of schools space partners decided not to renew or reduced contracts. "Their decision was due to the crisis. But with the parents was different in that the schools that maintained the contract ended up sending the same number of children, "pointed out.
Even with a start of year retracted, the Executive explained that schools signaled that should resume the projects in 2017. "For the second half [this year] we should also put other schools in place of that left," comments.
For the period of July, the Executive prefers a more conservative perspective. "We realized the family tourism more expensive, and the camp is an alternative, but we have no way of knowing," he says. The company will hold camp only in the last week of July and today has 50% occupancy at the time.
According to the President of the Executive Board of travel and corporate events (CEVEC), the Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP), Viviânne Malik, this year the families are trying to readjust their spending, so, in addition to campsites, travel with fewer days of hosting and closest locations (200 kilometers of the surroundings) must also be trend. "For this time, we believe that the camps have occupancy rate of 70% and resorts (mountain) between 70% and 75%. Which is fine for a year of crisis ", places the Executive. However, she believes that the hotel chain should suffer a little more this season.
The explanation, according to her, is the forecast of the travel spending: while many resorts are all inclusive (all inclusive) or full Board, and offer food and activities within the enterprise, in hotels, families depend on more car rental and tours. Cost-cutting at the moment, the families want to know exactly what they will spend. "So, resorts should have a good occupation," he points out.
Following the trend, the Cana Brava All Inclusive Resort, located in Ilhéus (State of Bahia), already has 80% of the rooms reserved for July and is expected to exceed 85%, the average rate for the period. "We''re still with a number of larger rooms", highlights the sales manager of Cana Brava, Maite Teixeira.
The enterprise that owned 186 underwent a series of reforms and now has 260. "We delivered the first part in December 2014 and the last two months," details.
Relying on a '' tighter '' pocket and the high price of tickets for the period, the account executive who this year to capture the audience was different. "We focus on. In the audience that can come from local car as Federal District, Minas Gerais and to the Holy Spirit. "
Constant challenge
A challenge that may impact the coming of tourists to the country in July and other important dates as in the period of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, is the zika virus. According to Martins da FecomercioSP Viviânne, despite having reduced the volume of '' alarming '' information on the subject in the national media, out of the country things are still worrisome. "The foreign press have told people not to come. In addition, there is the issue that scares, "macroeconomic. According to the expert, the Cevec has monitored with their international advisers the material disclosed abroad, and noted that many information are incorrect. To reverse the scenario, the organ, along with other entities, performs a series of announcements and informational materials to forward to members and international partners more believable information about the disease.
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