quinta-feira, 21 de julho, 2016

Mineral Water Industry Association disputes study of UFPA

The President of the Brazilian Association of Mineral Water industry (Abinam) challenged, in a meeting held on Wednesday (24), research at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) disclosed in recent days. The study points out that most brands of water sold in the State are unfit for consumption.
The President of Abinam, Carlos Alberto Lancia, presented to researchers of the University documents the national health surveillance agency (Anvisa), plus a look at the University of São Paulo (USP), which comprovariam that the mineral water marketed in Pará does not cause harm to health.
"It''s not PH parameter of drinking, there''s not a proven study that says that brings damage. Don''t worry consumers, we have absolutely certain what we''re talking about. And we respect science, if science change in patamares, we moved, "said Carlos Alberto.
'' Millionaire '' water industry, says researcher
The researcher Milton Matta, Ph.d. in hydrogeology from UFPA, in telephone interview to G1, reaffirms the research information. "They are not experts and do not understand, are traders. What they question is meaningless. The water is not drinkable nor mineral. Is acidic enough to be between 6 and 9 PH and acid water creates gastritis, ulcer and gastric cancer. We are the second State with the largest number of people with gastric cancer ".
According to Matta, which discusses with the study is the acidic water and health problems caused by this. "We have our medical group, post doc. You can''t argue that traders. They do not have professional training. The water industry is a millionaire, we don''t want to remove the water from the trade, but to remove the PH do serious research for 35 years. Disclose why public health case. We are starting an integrated project to identify if this water is affecting the cells and causing disease.
The studies conducted by the laboratory of hydrochemistry of UFPA showed that the seven brands tested that are marketed in Pará presented the PH (acidity) between 3.74 and 4.72. The recommendation of the Ministry of health, according to researchers at the University, is that the PH of the water to be maintained in the range homano consumption of 6 and 9.5. According to them, the lower the PH, the more acidic water she would be and more harmful to your health as well. "You have to prohibit it or find a way to increase the PH level. There are ways to do that and not cheap is expensive", Milton Kills, Ph.d. in hydrogeology.
But the Association disputes that the PH indicated by the Ministry of health would refer to public water and mineral water. "Why the PH of the water from the public network has to be of 6.96. Because the water in the public network must always be handled and cheaper to treat is with chlorine. In the case of mineral water, is a 100% natural product is an organic product, has no treatment, "said the President.
UFPA''s work showed that the liquid marketed is not even drinking, mineral, and the high levels of acidity submitted by seven brands surveyed can be harmful to health. Soon, the water of the seven surveyed companies were considered unfit for consumption.
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