segunda-feira, 04 de julho, 2016

Are foods of allergenic ingredients on labels list

Food labels are leaving the factory with information on allergenic ingredients from this Sunday (3). Are 17 items to be listed, like wheat, shellfish, milk, and nuts. The decision broke the national health surveillance agency (Anvisa) still in 2015 and was reinforced in early June.
Approved in June last year, the resolution obligates the food industry to report on packages of products if there is presence of the main foods that cause food allergies. The regulation covers both food and how much drinks, ingredients and additives.
The labels of the products manufactured from now should should report food possess some of the following foods: wheat (rye, barley, oats and their hybridized strains); crustaceans; eggs; fish; peanuts; soybeans; milk of all mammals; almond; Hazelnut; cashews; Brazil nuts; macadamia nuts; nuts; Pecan Pie; pistachio nuts; pine nuts; Brown, in addition to natural latex.
The derivatives of these products should bring in packaging the following information:
-Allergenic: Contains (common names of foods that cause food allergies);
-Allergenic: Contains derivatives of (common names of foods that cause allergies);
-Allergenic: Contains (common names of foods that cause food allergies) and derivatives.
Anvisa has determined how to have this data. The details about allergens should be displayed just below the list of ingredients. In addition, the words must be in uppercase, in bold and with different color of the label. The letter cannot be smaller than the list of ingredients.
The manufacturers had a year to adjust the packaging to the new rules. The products manufactured by the end of the period of adjustment, this Saturday (2), may be marketed until the end of the period of validity.
According to the rapporteur, Director Renato port, the demand was born "strongly of society", which made the Board of Directors voted unilaterally by the regulations.
"The company can now rest assured that you will have much more appropriate product labels, which will give the possibility of consumer to choose properly their products, given that the best way to prevent [allergic crisis] is avoiding the consumption," he explained.
According to Anvisa, in Brazil, of 6% to 8% of children of 6 to 8 years suffer from some type of allergy.
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