segunda-feira, 04 de julho, 2016

Aché purchase lab Tiaraju, RS

Aché closed the purchase of the chemical laboratory Pharmacist Tiaraju, of Rio Grande do Sul, in the second acquisition in less than three months. The deal, whose value was not disclosed, also includes the right to access the developments of Tiaraju in cosmetics and nutraceuticals and is included in the budget of R$ 160,000,000 in investments for 2016.
Family control, Tiaraju will transfer to the Aché pharmaceutical chemical operation and ensures exclusivity on the products developed in nutraceuticals and cosmetics. "They''re not big acquisitions, but specialized, which complement and bring value to the portfolio," said Chairman of the Aché, Paulo Nigro.
With the purchase, Aché will incorporate 12 records phytomedicines, a R$ 1.1 billion market last year, and winning the leadership contest to present-day Takeda. "We are the second, but I believe it will be possible to achieve the leadership," he said.
Aché already has a tradition in this market. Is the lab the first Phytomedicine that is with fully national research and development, the anti-inflammatory Acheflan. Two weeks ago, the product obtained registration of medicine in Mexico and will be released in the local market this year.
Registered products Tiaraju, according to Nigro, will be released gradually in the coming years. For 2017, should be three releases in the area of phytomedicines and eight nutraceuticals, of which five nutricosmetics. "These products open up a new avenue for Aché," commented, adding that, together, the releases will add to R$ the R$ 30,000,000 40,000,000 to billing. Last year, net revenues reached 2.3 billion R$ lab, with high of 9.3%.
In April, Aché bought the paranaense Nortis pharmaceutical, recognized by cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. The Nortis have monthly production capacity of 1.2 million blísteres and 400,000 bottles and is responsible for about 50% of the market of this type of antibiotic in Brazil.
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