sexta-feira, 07 de outubro, 2016

Walmart plans to invest in E-Commerce

The Walmart Group announced on Thursday (06), which will decrease the opening of stores in the coming years to focus on investments in e-commerce and digital initiatives. "The opening of new stores will slow down, but the company will raise investments in e-commerce, technology, remodeling stores and other initiatives geared to customers," he said, in a statement, the Chief Financial Officer Brett Biggs. In the new plan, the company provides 471 openings of stores until January 2016. In the fiscal year 2017 will be inaugurated of the 351 331 shops and, in fiscal 2018, will be between 249 and 279. The company also maintained its adjusted profit estimate of $ 4.15 to $ 4.45 per share in fiscal year 2017.
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