segunda-feira, 10 de outubro, 2016

Walmart accelerates investments to compete with Amazon

In an attempt to close the gap with and occupy an even more dominant position in retail Walmart is accelerating its investments in electronic commerce.
The world''s largest retailer is now on the way to double the number of centres dedicated to online sales inventory to 10 by the end of 2016, according to Justen Traweek, Vice President of distribution network and implementation of e-commerce. This pace is faster than the 8 distribution centers that industry consultants expected that Walmart was build by the end of 2017.
At the same time, the company installed last year new technologies such as automated sorting of products and better tracking, which for the first time puts them on a par with Amazon''s robotic installations, in accordance with supply chain consultants.
"We doubled our capacity in the last 12 months and this allows us to send to the majority of the U.S. population in one day," said Traweek.
Walmart held meeting with investors on Thursday (6/10), when, among other topics, there is expectation that update on the progress you have made in your e-commerce business.
The retailer, which has about 4,600 stores in the United States and more than 6,000 around the world, has invested in e-commerce for 15 years, but is still far short of the Amazon.
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