quarta-feira, 05 de outubro, 2016

Featured innovative global aerosol

A smart solution against counterfeiting of products packaged in aluminum aerosol was the winner of the International Prize Award Aerosol Can 2016. The highlight of the contest held annually by Aerobal (International Organisation of Aluminium aerosol containers) got the deodorant packing She is a Clubber, developed by the Turkish company Aryum.
The innovation is in the packaging printing technique, which bears the mark of the product on the front and on the back printed in high relief, involving all the cylindrical shape of the package. According to the organizers of the prize, the solution combines powerful brand exposure concepts in sales and security points to the manufacturer. The '' Cosmetics, owner of the brand, is one of the leading companies in Turkey and the Middle East and has been achieving significant results in the fight against counterfeit products.
The German was also featured in the Tubex Award Can 2016. The manufacturer of aluminium aerosols presented the first container that does not require varnish finish, internal and external. The aerosol, presented to the market with the name, Purity is considered revolutionary, because it reduces the production process, investment in equipment and the emission of CO2 into the environment.
The two winners, according to Gregor Spengler, Secretary General of Aerobal, exemplify the importance of the award, which was attended by 70 competitors. To Spengler, the innovations Prize, in addition to be a thermometer of quality level of aerosols, brings contemporary trends that meet market needs, such as combating piracy and production optimization.
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