quarta-feira, 08 de julho, 2015

AmBev closes purchase of Colorado, Ribeirão Preto

Ambev, the largest manufacturer of brews the country, yesterday announced the purchase of Colorado brewery, based in Ribeirão Preto and with revenues of $ 18 million per year. The transaction value was not revealed.
This is the second acquisition of smaller competitors made by the company this year. In February, Ambev acquired Wälls mining, which was incorporated into the Bohemian Brewery, giving rise to a new company. Colorado joins the Wälls now, in Bohemia. The brewery Bohemia has a factory in Petrópolis (RJ) and one in Belo Horizonte (MG). The owners of Wälls, James Castro and José Felipe Castro, have a stake in the new company created by Ambev to buy microbreweries.
Ambev follows the strategy of parent company AB InBev, which since the end of last year has been buying microbreweries in the United States. Handcrafted USA brands account for 12% of total sales of beer. In Brazil, the slice is less than the 1%, according to Euromonitor. The consultancy estimates that this thread will double in size until 2020.
The acquisition of Colorado does not produce a significant effect on the productive performance of Ambev. The Colorado produces between 150 thousand and 200 thousand liters of beer per month, or 0.02% of the monthly production of Ambev. The purchase, however, extends the portfolio of specialty beers, which offer greater profitability and help deliver higher dividends to shareholders. To have a basis for comparison, the average price of Colorado is double the price of Brahma, and near the Budweiser.
In the first quarter, Ambev grew 10.4% in net income, to $ 2,81 billion. The volume of sales grew 0.5 percent, driven by premium segments (with brands such as Budweiser and Corona) and "near beer" (products such as the Skol Beats Senses, drink with lemon flavor made with distilled beer, and 0.0%, non-alcoholic Brahma). Ambev's market share was stable at 67.5%, according to the Nielsen consulting.
By agreement between the companies, Marcelo Castro, founder of the company, will continue ahead of the business, "devoted principally to the innovation and search for new recipes and flavors," according to a statement. Ambev reported that follow betting on Brazilian ingredients on artisanal beer manufactured by Colorado, like coffee, molasses, cassava, honey and Brazil nuts.
Ambev reported that will expand the distribution of the country's Colorado. "I'm very excited about the opportunity to achieve my dream along with the Brewery Bohemia. When I founded the Colorado, 20 years ago, I always wanted a national touch to recipes, create a Brazilian School of beer, as there is a German, a Belgian. And, I know that together we will make it happen, "said Ram in a statement.
The Colorado will maintain production in Ribeirão Preto (SP) and its employees will be absorbed by Ambev. The revenue will be kept and supervised by the founder of Colorado. Companies reported that with the Union, creating the fifth school world-the Brazilian brewery (next to the Belgian, German, English, and American). "A school marked by exploitation of our cultural richness and the presence of national ingredients in recipes."
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