quinta-feira, 16 de abril, 2015

Uncertainty about rural credit crashes projections for special fertilizers

With the clear expectation of high in rural credit interest of agricultural and livestock Plan (PAP), entities have pressed the federal Government to increase the volume of resources for the vintage 2015/2016.
However, while the total value offered is not set, the bearing on the ability of the producer's investment follows uncertain and hangs the prospects for the inputs.
In the case of special-organic fertilizers, organominerais, foliar fertilisers, soil conditioners and substrates for plants-whose representatives keep the bold goal of growing 6 percent this year, even in the face of smaller income margins in the agricultural sector, but admit the direct influence of credit availability on the results of the sector. In 2014, the segment had revenues of r $ 3.2 billion.
"We believe that there is room to expand, because the cost of the product if paid with productivity gains, but the question is what will define the sector's growth. It is not yet clear how the Government will make available and producers have difficulty in financing, "says the Chairman of the North Americans-ra technology industries in plant nutrition (Abisolo), Clorialdo Roberto Levrero. The Declaration was given during the VI Forum and Exhibition Abisolo, yesterday (15), in Ribeirão Preto (SP).
The DCI, the General Manager of Fertilizers, Gustavo white, Agrarian adopted a more pragmatic tone in saying that "there is not a clear definition on investments, so we don't have concrete prospects for the sector". For him, the best way of doing business at the moment is "panning" opportunities in accordance with the conditions of the day, based on factors such as exchange rate movements, for example.
Signs In last Monday (13), the Finance Minister, Joaquim Levy, participated in the fair, in Goiás, Tecnoshow and told reporters that "obviously" there will be a readjustment in agricultural interest, by a natural realignment of the macroeconomic system. However, it has appeared that the release of resources from the Crop Plan 2015/2016 and pré-custeio would be released as soon as possible, for the acquisition of inputs.
Last week, the Secretary of the Ministry of agriculture agricultural policy, André Nassar, said to the press the possibility of $ 20 billion increase in the contribution to r $ 176 billion, compared with the $ 156 billion offered this harvest.
Small farmers, entities such as the National Confederation of Agricultural workers (Contag) have turned to the federal Government for pleitearem the elevation of R $ R $ 6 billion in the national program for strengthening family agriculture (Pronaf), which was $ 24 billion to 2014/2015.
Until these decisions are implemented, the special fertilizers segment articulates other strategies to win the domestic market.
Joint actions During the event, the State Secretary of agriculture, Arnaldo Jardim, signed a protocol of joint actions with the Abisolo to assist the expansion of the sector. "We will make the disclosure of special fertilizers, the IAC [Agronô Institute-mico] will also have an agreement with the Abisolo. For the producer, this is a cost offset by the increase in productivity, "he says.
Second Levrero, these lines of fertilizers are between 10% and 15% superior to conventional nitrogen fertilizers, for example. In addition, there are still sustainable discourse, i.e., produce better and made sustainability the organic segment grew up in field crops.
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