quinta-feira, 26 de março, 2015

Breads must stay until 12% more expensive in April

According to entities that represent industry manufacturers, the Bagel is expected to rise to 12% in April in the country, due to the recent high of the dollar-based currency, to purchase wheat imported – and of the electric energy. In the last 12 months, the bread rose 5.40%, according to the IPCA (Broad consumer price index).
"The electrical energy represents about 14% of the manufacturing cost of breads and flour of wheat, 33%. The final price may have increased around 8% to 12%, making clear that each company has its worksheet and the decision of how to deal with the increase in production, "says José Batista de Oliveira, President of the Abip (Associação Brasileira da Indústria bakery and Confectionery).
For Oliveira, each bakery or supermarket should study the price to keep competitive and not decrease the participation of bread consumption in the country.
Industrialized breads producers also calculates the costs and how much should be passed on to the retailer. The breads that pass through the industry reach 10% of total consumption, according to the Abimapi (Brazilian Association of manufacturers of biscuits, pasta, breads and cakes industrialized).
The entity that represents the industry asserts that the increase for this kind of bread, including wonder bread, will depend on the strategy of each company, but, on average, should be 8%.
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