segunda-feira, 29 de setembro, 2014

Volkswagen will assemble the Jetta sedan on ABC

Volkswagen will assemble in the factory of São Bernardo do Campo, in the ABC paulista, the Jetta sedan, imported by Mexico today prices from R $ 68.7 million. The automaker must officiate today the plan, but the syndicate of the metalurgists of the region said on Friday that the car starts to be mounted on ABC in the spring of 2015.
The nationalization of the Jetta is part of Vw's investment programme in Brazil that provides for contributions of $ 10 billion by 2018. It will be the third car manufactured by global automaker in the country, adding to the Up!, produced in the factory of Taubaté, in São Paulo State, and the new generation of Golf, which will be mounted until the end of next year in the company's industrial complex in Sao Jose dos Pinhais, Parana. Sought by the value, Volkswagen preferred not to comment on the matter.
In a statement sent to the press, the syndicate of the metalurgists of the ABC reports that the automaker also intends to invest in a new global platform for production of new models in the factory of São Bernardo, but this would be in operation after 2018.
The labor agreements that paved the way for new investments not only in São Bernardo factory, but also in the unit of Taubaté were enacted in March 2012. In order not to lose investments-since at the time the automaker was evaluating building a factory in another State-workers accepted terms which gave more flexibility to the company suit workday production needs. The agreement, valid until 2016, also included mechanisms for restraint on labor costs climbing, extending from 12 up to 16 months the term wage revisions.
After losing sales with the mandatory retirement of the cheaper version of the goal and the legendary Estate for lack of compatibility with the new mandatory safety devices (airbag and antilock brakes), part of the VW workers in Sao Bernardo had, in may, work contracts suspended in a regime of "layoff", in which employees are out of production for up to five months.
This year, the German brand's sales in the country fell almost 15% earn more than the indentation of 9.5 percent of the market by August. Still, the Volks stands as the second best-selling brand.
Valor Econômico - 29/09/2014
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