quinta-feira, 07 de agosto, 2014

Sporting goods licensed consumption increases in Brazil

The Brazilians have increased the consumption of sports licensed products in four percentage points in the last 12 months. The acquisition of official items related to sporting events, leagues, teams or athletes reached 59% of the total purchased, according to the survey, Ibope Sponsorlink Repucom. Football fans and MMA, which reported "very interested" in one of the modalities, reached an even more significant proportion of purchase, reaching 81%.
On average, football lovers spent 5% more than the rest of the population in their latest acquisitions related to sports. According to the study, men are the ones who spend more with sports materials. Sponsorlink study is carried out in 12 countries and offers a panoramic view of habits and attitudes, media consumption, categories of products and services related to sport.
Mundo Marketing - 06/08/2014
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