quinta-feira, 07 de agosto, 2014

Splash colonies with the characters Batman and Joker

Each day more vain, the boys also are supporters of cosmetics for care of beauty and love to be perfumed. However, parents need to be vigilant at the time of purchase and opt for perfumes or specific colonies for children, with lightweight formulas and dermatologically tested.
Developed especially for the boys, the colonies Splash Batman and Joker, of Betulla cosmetics, have smooth aroma and pleasant that combines with the hectic of everyday kids. Suitable for children from the age of three years, have fresh aromatic fragrance with refreshing notes.
In addition to ensuring a taste good to kids, the products bring containers with prints of the famous Hero and his arch-enemy to let the moment even more fun. Ideal to be used immediately after a bath or shower.
Valor Econômico - 07/08/2014
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