sexta-feira, 08 de agosto, 2014

Dauper Biscoiteria has suggestions for gifts for father's day

The Dauper Biscoiteria has released two suggestions of delicious gifts for parents who love cookies and biscuits. The first of these is the innovative Wine Selection consisting of cookies made from red wine and accompanied by three mini fruit jellies in the flavors Damascus, berries and orange. The commemorative packaging has 226 grams.
The other release is the Super Dad Mug alludes to the character Superman. Accompanied by sachets with cookies in flavors vanilla and Chocolate Coffee Mug comes in a fun package.
Also part of the suggestions, biscuits with honey and spices hand-made. With different formats, are decorated with icing, forming colorful designs and rich in detail.
Already, for parents who prefer chocolate, the suggestion is a box of honey buns that together form the word FATHER.
Customers can also set up a special Kit with options that best fit the style of each parent, for that, the Dauper Biscoiteria has sophisticated boxes that are used in the composition of the present.
Dauper Biscoiteria- source: Prima Communication Matters
Guia do Transportador - 07/08/2014
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