quinta-feira, 24 de julho, 2014

Cosmetics manufactured Parana generate income for small-scale farmers of Brazil

Can you imagine coming to a hotel, use the amenities offered in the room and automatically help small-scale farmers in the country to generate income? It is already possible for guests of some hotels of Brazil, as the Club Med network, for example. The novelty is the result of a partnership between the Realgem 's, largest manufacturer of amenities of Brazil, and the Brazilian Government, through the Ministry of agricultural development and Sebrae.
The line "talents in Brazil", formed by shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, moisturizing lotion and bar soaps, entered in the field along with the World Cup and here to stay, becoming one of the major attractions to the most discerning guests and also a source of income for beekeepers responsible for mel, the main raw material of the line.
According to Mauro Carvalho, Director of Realgem 's, this partnership consists of the purchase of the extract honey beekeepers in the country and in 5% of total sales to Avapis-Vacariense Association of beekeepers. "After buying the raw material, our team makes the formulation of cosmetics, packaging layout, the product packaging in bottles, labeling, lot, sale and delivery to the client. We are responsible for the whole process, "he says.
With that, all enterprises that buy the products of talents in Brazil – the only homologated by the market sustainable Government-to offer guests help close a highly sustainable cycle. "They contribute to the income of the direct producers, of all those associated with the cooperative family farming program and still make the Brazilian economy turning," says Mauro.
Embanews - 23/07/2014
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