segunda-feira, 09 de junho, 2014

Cream Honey ice cream renova visual identity of their packaging

The Honey Cream, ice-cream industry in the Midwest, announces the launch of new ice-cream packaging of Special Take Home and traditional lines. The objective is to renew the strategy of the company in the market and increase its communication with consumers, investing in new colors and a new layout of braces for packagings. The pots of ice cream from 2 liters, cars-Honey Cream chiefs, were the chosen ones to imprint the new concept.
The traditional white pots were replaced by packaging with vibrant colors, such as gold (special line) and Red (Traditional Line). "The chosen colors and the new layout of braces allow better viewing of products at points of sale," says Helen Santos, marketing manager of Honey Cream Ice cream.
Embalagem Marca - 09/06/2014
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