terça-feira, 20 de maio, 2014

Unilever plans to invest $ 3 billion in Brazil in 2014

Unilever will invest $ 3 billion in its operations in Brazil through 2014. One third of this amount will be contributed in the company structure in the country, including investments for its 10th factory complex. The other $ 2 billion will be allocated to the company's Marketing activities on renovation of 70% of your portfolio and on entry into two new categories – the stains, strip with OMO Takes stains, and the premium segment with the launch of four product lines for the brands Dove, Dove Men + Care and Axe.
Present for 85 years in Brazil, Unilever won R $ 15.3 billion in this country last year, an increase of 12.5% compared to the previous year, when it had revenues of $ 13.6 billion. The growth in Brazil is nearly three times greater than the expansion of the company globally.
Mundo do Marketing - 19/05/2014
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