quinta-feira, 29 de maio, 2014

Snacks of Brazilian roots have differentiated packaging with printing

The Roots to Go snacks, chips of natural Brazilian roots as amber and purple sweet potatoes, yams, cassava and sugar beet, the KB Foods, arrive to the market in flexible packaging with printing. With mild flavors, the snacks are 100% natural, no cholesterol and no preservatives, produced only with Palm oil.
According to the manufacturer, "Roots to Go aims to bring the true taste of the riches of the Earth for people who like to eat well and to cherish for health and well-being". To transform Brazilian roots in highly nutritional snacks with premium quality, the company tuned in the Affairs of nature and nutrition is also modern in its concept and language.
The branding and packaging were created by Spice Design. The aim was to express the concept stripped and modern brand packs. The presentation of the products and the design adopted, evincing a differentiated product, that cater to a more conscious culture and food, a distinguished position in the category of snacks. BOPP packaging, printed in flexography with matte and gloss varnish, is also innovative in Brazil.
Roots to Go was released simultaneously in Brazil and in the United States, in packaging that meets the two markets, for texts in Portuguese and in English. "National snack market Roots to Go differs by graphic language adopted. Irreverent, humorous flees the sameness and offers a value-added and healthy product in a relaxed and that meets a demanding audience and selective, "says Gaby anyone seen Mr. Tischer, Director of design at the Design Spice. "For picking up two distinct markets with a layout only WINS in production and logistics," she explains.
Embalagem Marca - 28/05/2014
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