quarta-feira, 21 de maio, 2014

Melitta filter hits the market in new packaging

Of the various types of preparation of coffee, the most famous here in Brazil, is without doubt, the last cup of coffee at the time. Currently, some cafes and hip restaurants are rescuing this tradition and offering its customers a special Cup of coffee prepared on time.
In fact, the preparation in the paper filter bag is an excellent choice to provide the pleasures of a good cup of coffee, as it allows a better extraction of the drink and the distinction between their nuances of aroma and flavor. This method is already part of the history of the company since 1908, when Mrs. Melitta Bentz invented the first coffee filter in the world.
Rescuing the originality and pioneering spirit of the product, the Melitta presents to Brazilians their new packaging for the line of paper filters, which are to be called "Original".
The layout of the packaging was completely reworked with the goal of bringing more modernity and facilitate identification of the different sizes. Another great news is at the opening of the cartridge, which is now on the back of the packaging and is much more practical.
"All these changes were inserted in the products after research conducted with our consumers, which enabled us to identify and reconstruct the values and personality of our brand," says Denise Ritur, product manager at Melitta.
And complements, "our main goal with the launch of the new packaging of Melitta filter is to provide, through products and innovative solutions more easily in everyday life and maximize the pleasures of coffee past time".
Guia da Embalagem - 21/05/2014
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