quinta-feira, 22 de maio, 2014

Lay ´ s creates packaging and different flavor to Brazil

The brand of potato chips Lay ´ s creates new packaging developed exclusively for the domestic market, designed to meet the needs of the adult consumer. The format makes the package stand, avoiding that the potatoes fall or spread out on the surface. The design also allows her to open easily in the horizontal direction, facilitating the consumption.
The packaging was created after market research and innovation that sought to adapt the product to adult snacks. The Lay's also brought a new flavor unique to the Brazilian market. The Rump version will be sold only in Brazil. The potato can already be found in Classic flavors and Sour Cream.
The new product will be exposed in displays of BOPP (biorientada polypropylene film) developed by PepsiCo, 100% recycled and made from packages of snacks. The news will also be in displays and materials available at the points of sales.
Mundo do Marketing - 22/05/2014
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