quinta-feira, 29 de maio, 2014

Latinex offers sophisticated packaging chocolates for Valentine's day

The most passionate date of the year is coming. Valentine's day is a special reason for attention and affection among companions. Of course any day and all days are suitable for expressing love, but due to the rush of day to day, was given the opportunity to pay more attention to and partner in the relationship. Therefore, a date as special as this deserves special gifts, chocolates and Heidi are the ideal choice for care and affection remember data and received by those who love each other.
The line Moments is developed from carefully selected hazelnuts and Caramelized, combined with a delicious stuffing, wrapped in a thin layer of sublime milk chocolate, which provide unique moments of pleasure. Sophisticated packages complement the quality of the product and reflect the feelings of the lovers at that date so peculiar.
Delicate, the candy Bouquet line are inspired in the Italian bistros, where couples in love enjoy hours of conversation, while share their emotions. Available in two versions, as the elegant gift box in the shape of a flower arrangement, the chocolates can be found in the flavors: hazelnut, cherry and tiramisu (Italian coffee based dessert).
Embanews - 28/05/2014
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