quarta-feira, 07 de maio, 2014

Dafruta and Maguary: new flavors and packaging

Dafruta and Maguary marks, the Brazilian company of drinks and food (ebba), launched new flavors and packaging. Among the new features are the row selection with the flavor Maguary grape juice red, packed in PET bottle of 1.5 l and 255 ml Tin and lemonade Switzerland and Zero. Another novelty is the Premium line Laranjinha, in flavors Valencia, Sicilian, Sicilian with candied and traditional with candied, marketed in 1 l cartons. Dafruta brand presents the flavors of Guarana, Gooseberry and kill that can be found in PET bottles of 1 liter. The releases can be found in various retailers throughout Brazil.
Giro News - 07/05/2014
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