quinta-feira, 03 de abril, 2014

Pullman brings the Teddy Bimbo as the protagonist of his new packaging

The Pullman, mark of Grupo Bimbo, will, from April, a new positioning and new packaging that value the Teddy Bimbo. The new subscription-the teddy bear bread – will be present in the visual identity of the communication materials. "The goal is to sequence the work we do from 2011 with Pullman Bear construction Bimbo as icon of the marks. He now appears as the protagonist of packaging and comes to conquer once consumers ", emphasizes Juliana Cora, product manager.
The renewed packaging arrive with a more modern design with curves and transparency to gain prominence in gondolas and strengthen confidence between the brand and the consumer.
This concept will be present in traditional breads, integrals, tubes, toast and snacks brand breads. The new communication enhances the Teddy and brings a new layout for the site, point-of-sale materials and actions in social media. The Bimbo Bear is now more present in the life of the whole family.
EmbaNews - 03/04/2014
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