quinta-feira, 10 de abril, 2014

New brand promise Séotres sprays hair shiny and fragrant all day

Want hair always bright and fragrant? It seems difficult for the modern woman, who suffers the effects of pollution, Sun, grease and smoke, among others. But the Séotres has the solution, with the release of shine sprays. Are two products, both composed of Nano Shine Hair, a combination of cocoa butter, avocado and Sesame oil, provitamin B5 and Silicones (Dimethicone and Ciclometicone), in nanocapsuladas (very small) particles, which gradually release the nutrients on the wires, forming a protective film.
There are two versions of the mark: the intense shine spray and odor neutralizer. The first, let the wires three times brighter; the second, also eliminates unwanted odors up to 67%. Can be used several times a day and the result is a soft, shiny hair and smelly, as every woman wants.
EmbaNews - 09/04/2014
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