terça-feira, 15 de abril, 2014

Chips and snacks market will grow 40% by 2018

That's the prediction of market intelligence firm Mintel. Today with revenues estimated at $ 5.18 billion by the company, these appetizers should reach us $ 7.26 billion in the next four years. The Mintel also drafted most optimistic scenarios (high of 49%, totaling R $ 7.75 billion) and pessimistic (high of 30 percent, to $ 6.77 billion) around its central forecast.
The Mintel expects the segment of snacks, which includes potato chips, peanuts, chestnuts, among others, be impacted in 2014 and 2016 for the World Cup and the Olympics, events that promote the consumption of these products.
Today, super and hypermarkets are the most common purchase locations for the segment, according to the survey, with preference of almost two-thirds of consumers (63 percent). Already 28% say buy in bakeries. In addition, 42 percent of Brazilians consume more of these products when they are away from home and 22% consume in meetings with family and friends.
The Mintel shows that still the most consumed by Brazilians salted snacks are peanuts and cashews, with 65% of penetration. And more than half (53%) of the population declare consume microwave popcorn.
According to data audited by Mintel in the last two years were launched new 1,136 snacks in Brazil, and the corn/wheat snacks were the ones that had the greatest number of releases, followed by chestnuts and peanuts Secondly, potatoes (3), (4) cereal bars, popcorn (5), (6) flour biscuits, fruit desidratas (7th) and savory (esfiha, cheese dumplings, coxinhas, rissole, etc.) in eighth place.
PepsiCo was the company that more products launched during the period, followed by Yoki Foods Secondly, Virtus food (3rd), Carrefour (4th), Walmart (5), day (6), VR (7th), Nutritional Foods (8), São Braz (9th) and Gulozitos (10).
The flexible packaging was the most used during the period, followed by pot Secondly, stand-up pouch (3), (4) tray, clam-pack system (5th), cardboard box (6), fibralata (7), (8) flexible sachet and metallic Tin (9).
ABRE - Associação Brasileira de Embalagem - 14/04/2014
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