segunda-feira, 06 de janeiro, 2014

Natural beauty launches treatment for different types of curls

The Natural beauty launches a line of treatment bn Curls, for four different types of hair. The company surveyed more than 300 types of curly hair, a study that lasted two years in partnership with the University of Brasilia. The survey ranked the wires into four types of curls: curly, wavy, curly or frizzy. The line is sub divided into the soft labels, intense, loose, vibrant and has 16 products, shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment cream and combing cream. The products have exclusive sale in the halls of the network and price of $ 12.00 for the shampoo, $ 12.00 for the conditioner, $ 20.00 for the treatment cream and $ 25.00 for combing cream.
Mundo do Marketing - 03/01/2014
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